TEM203 Temperature Transmitters

Product Features
- J, K, T, N thermocouple or PT100 RTD input
- 4-20mA two wire output
- 10-30Vdc loop powered
- In-head mounting enclosure
The Tempatron TEM203 in-head mounting temperature transmitters isolate and convert temperature measurement signals over a configured range to a 4-20mA process output signal. The range consists of two versions, the TEM203P accepts PT100 RTD inputs and the TEM203T accepts seven common thermocouple types or a DC mV signal and both are loop powered from 10 to 30Vdc. The transmitters can be configured by a simple push button procedure enabling selection of thermocouple type (TEM203T only), desired temperature range, burnout direction and trimming of 4mA and 20mA outputs. If required, a desired temperature range can be specified upon ordering.
Key Terms: Tempatron - TEM203P - TEM203T - TEM203 - Temperature Transmitter - Signal Conditioner